Myth (Magnetic Scrolls) logo

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Myth is set in a world of ancient Greek gods, whose existence is threatened by the rise of Christianity. To keep up humanity's faith in the gods, Zeus, the god-in-chief, decides to set them all heroic tasks, just like the good old days. Naturally, you are first: you are Poseidon, the god of the sea (though, incidentally, you cannot swim!), tasked with recovering the Dark Helmet of Hades.

The game starts in front of the gates to the underworld. You carry the barest essentials for the task. Exits lead... ahem! Graphics in Myth are very good, and the parser is OK, but the real high point of it is the humour. If you liked Fish! you will probably like this, because they are very similar in style. You may even prefer this, it is that good! An excellent adventure. Witty, cunning and just plain good fun!

Note: Myth is currently only available to members of Rainbird's adventure society called Official Secrets. You can join this society by ringing their Sales Hotline on 0279 600204, or by sending a cheque for £22 or your credit card number to... Official Secrets, PO Box 847, Harlow, CM21 9PH. In return, you will be sent Myth, together with another free game, six issues of Confidential (the adventure and role playing magazine) and membership of Special Reserve, a group which claims to offer the cheapest software service around (normally £5).

Myth (Magnetic Scrolls) logo

Inter-Mediates/Magnetic Scrolls
Commodore 64 disk/Amiga

If you are a member of Offical Secrets, the Adventure/Strategy/RPG game club, or join before August this year, you get a free copy of this adventure, written exclusively for the club.

Myth is a mini-adventure with about thirty locations, but because it was programmed with Magnetic Scrolls' usual adventure system, there is room for masses of text - and that is what you will find in it. There are very few 'scenery' objects, and the messages are full and plentiful.

Set in the days of Greek mythology, you play the part of Poseidon, god of the sea. Zeus is having a temple-warming party, when he decides that gods have too easy a life - and so he announces it is his intention to strip them of their godly powers, until such time as they succeed in a task, normally befitting a moral hero.

And it is just your luck he picks on you first - to enter Hades and steal the fabled helmet of invisibility. Embarassing, too, for the god of the sea, who cannot swim, and comes across deep waters early on in the game!

Do not be put off by it being a mini-adventure - it is about the same size asa 'full size' text adventure. You get four pictures up to usual Scrolls standard, plus text undreamed of in those bygone days!

Membership of Official Secrets is £19.95 per year. Write to Official Secrets, PO Box 847, Harlow, CM21 9PH for details.