Title Machine Publisher AC AF AJ AP CU ZERO Zzap!
Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf and Course DesignOCSAccoladeN/A75%91%
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfOCSAccolade78%84%90%
Jack Nicklaus' Presents Major Championship Courses of 1991OCSAccolade78%
Jack the RipperOCSMirage71%
Jaguar XJ 220OCSCore Design83%83%89%85%90%89%
Jahangir Khan's World Championship SquashOCSKrisalis81%74%70%61%
Jaktar: Der ElfensteinOCSAPC & TCP55%
James PondOCSMillenniumN/A81%78%77%85%85%
Jet Set Willy 2OCSSoftware Projects29%70%70%
Jetsons, The: George Jetson and the Legend of RobotopiaOCSMicro Illusions87%81%
Jetsons: The, The Computer GameOCSHi-Tec29%48%16%
Jewels of DarknessOCSLevel 904/05
Jim PowerOCSLoriciel90%85%83%78%74%76%
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerOCSVirgin91%82%90%90%93%
JinksOCSRainbow Arts78%05/10
Jocky Wilson's Compendium of DartsOCSZeppelin06/10
Jocky Wilson's Dart ChallengeOCSZeppelin77%72%68%
Joe and Mac: Caveman NinjaOCSElite74%70%22%78%
John Barnes European FootballCD32Buzz65%49%51%56%45%
John Barnes European FootballOCSKrisalis42%72%74%75%79%
John Lowe's Ultimate DartsOCSGremlin77%
John Madden American FootballOCSElectronic Arts90%94%82%90%88%93%
JonathanOCSSoftware 200090%,88%
Journey To The Centre Of The EarthOCSUS Gold66%60%36%
Judge DreddOCSVirgin44%57%66%78%37%
Jumping Jack SonOCSInfogrames81%81%88%82%84%
Jungle BoyOCSByte Back5%
Jungle JimOCSImpressions11%
Jungle StrikeCD32Ocean82%87%86%
Jungle StrikeOCSOcean85%87%85%77%85%
Junior TypistOCSSchool SoftwareN/A
Jupiter's MasterdriveOCSUBI Soft79%64%78%
Jurassic ParkAGAOcean72%70%65%71%87%
Jurassic ParkOCSOcean07/10