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Robtek, £9.95 disk, mouse only

The old card game which calls upon a player's memory to help determine and select matching pairs from a spread out pack has been transposed onto the Amiga by King Size.

At the start the player is faced with an array of fifty four cards, all face down. A mouse-operated hand is used to pick a pair or cards which are turned over to display a picture each. If the cards match, the current player gains points and chooses another pair. If they differ, the cards are turned back over and the other player attempts to find a pair. Play continues until the board is cleared of cards, whereupon the player with the most points is declared the winner.

Gordon Houghton Brainstorm is very much a game for the younger Amiga user (if there are any), but for experienced games players, its rather limited appeal should soon disappear. Graphically it's quite cute, if very basic and blocky in places, but the different cards are colourful and varied, providing a skill level based on relative difficulty of interpretation - the drawings range from very specific and simple designs to abstract 'artistic' efforts. The nest presentation, two player option and multiple computer skill levels help prolong playability, but overall the simplistic gameplay proves ultimately dull.
Paul Glancey Although it's not the most adventurous of games to design and program, the producers of Brainstorm have at least made a competent job of it. The number and variety of options is pleasing, and the computer proves a challenging opponent to beat. Sound is practically unused, but the graphics are nicely done. The main interest group for this game is undoubtedly the under-tens, and any Amiga-owning parent should find this will keep the kids amused on a wet afternoon. However, I can't see this proving worthwhile for anyone else.