The Amiga version of Operation Wolf comes on two mayhem packed discs, but still really does take an inordinate time to load. I would have thought it would have been possible to compress the game a little more, especially as you're forced to go through the entire laborious process each time you want to play.
Nevertheless the end result is well worth the wait and is undoubtedly the best representation of Op Wolf outside the arcades. The slowness of the load is pretty much its only serious fault. You certainly won't have to wait until you see the whites of your snarling enemies eyes before you blow them away against the delightful well-drawn background.
The flimsy scenario does hold the game together surprisingly well. Having a clear purpose does concentrate the mind and makes you feel a little better about the vicious carnage, even if it is just a bunch of old sprites. One thing I've always liked about this game, no doubt because of my mercenary nature, is that instead of getting points you get paid - cold cash money - so you can watch your bank balance escalate pleasurably (even if the nearest cash point is several hundred miles away).
The Amiga version is, to say the least, erm... challenging. No-one round here can get much beyond the second screen, let alone rescue the hijacked jet. Each adversary has to take a solid hit before they do down, and often two or three, and the thrown daggers which come at you regularly are a nightmare to shoot out.
The music too is an excellent adaptation, unfortunately you'll spend a little more time than is desirable listening to it as you wait for the game to load one more time.
Since you're meant to be wielding a Uzi, it might have helped to give you a little more ammunition. Miss one of the collectables and you can wave goodbye to your mercenary spending any of his ill-gotten gains. For the majority of people, who are unlikely to be able to ascend to the later stages without a considerable amount of practice, it would have been nice if you'd been given the option of switching the stages around so you at least get to die on a different screen occasionally. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be considered mercenary-
Operation Wolf is a classic of its kind and this conversion by no means disgraces the original. Don't let me give you the impression that, because this game is difficult, that it's impossible, or merely frustrating. Op. Wolf is both addictive and compelling. Shame about all the disk swapping but, Ocean say, that was the only way you could have the whole game.