Jet Set Willy 2 logo

Schon wieder Ruhestörung in der Gruft: Nachdem Software Projects bereits vor zwei Jahren die 8-Bit-Leiche "Manic Miner" im grellen Amiga-Licht zerfallen ist, versuchen die Leute ihr Glück jetzt beim Nachfolger. Ob Willy noch rüstig genug war, um die Strapazen der Konvertierung zu überstehen?

Wie anno '83 am Spectrum-Original sollen wir Miner Willy bei den Aufräumarbeiten nach einer Party behilflich sein. Dazu steuert man das drollige Kerlchen (noch in den Fest-Klamotten, mit Zylinderhut und Frack) von Plattform zu Plattform, sammelt Geschirr bzw. Bonuspunkte ein und weicht allerlei originellen Gegnern aus:

Taschenmesser drohen mit gefährlicher Klinge, Periskope wirbeln die Linsen, ja, selbst Ehefrau Martha sollte man nicht zu nahe kommen. Und das ist wörtlich gemeint, denn wie schon bei "Manic Miner" arbeitet die Kollisionsabfrage recht ungenau, so daß selbst Joystick-Profis mit den acht Leben nicht sehr weit kommen werden.

Zwar macht die Steuerung an sich kaum Probleme, die vielen unfairen Stellen dafür umso mehr: Mal ist kein Ausweichen möglich, dann materialisiert ein neuer Willy mitten in der Luft und quittiert den folgenden Freiflug mit Lebensverlust.

Eigentlich schade, denn die nette Hintergrundmusik scrollt ruckfrei (wenn auch sehr, sehr langsam) in alle Himmelsrichtungen; die Musikbegleitung fällt zumindest nicht störend auf. In puncto Präsentation hätte sich Jet Set Willy die Zwei hinter dem Titel also durchaus verdient, in Sachen Gameplay war die Vorlage erheblich witziger. Was bleibt , ist eine ebenso frustrierende wie frustrierte Plattform-Leiche! (rl)

Jet Set Willy 2 logo

Hard on the heels of Manic Miner comes Software Projects' second attempt at converting a long-lost Spectrum classic. Sadly though, in a blow for nostalgic reviewers everywhere, this time they've not bothered to include the original, crap-graphics version.

What you get is a beefed-up 1992-style conversion, not of Manic Miner's hugely popular follow-up Jet Set Willy, but of Jet Set Willy 2, which was a little-known and a not especially successful 8-bit sequel which as essentially the same as the original Jet Set Willy game, but with about 60 new rooms inserted into the game map.

In the Amiga game the screen scrolls and the old room names disappear from the screen, but the platform layouts, baddies and movement patterns are more or less identical to the original.

The graphics have obviously been tarted up to be suitable for the Amiga, although they're still far from state-of-the-art, and the music, in common with the 16-bit version of Manic Miner, is unspeakably awful, far worse than even the old Speccy used to manage. But enough technicality, how does the actual game stand up after seven long years?

Pretty well, as it happens This is still a great game, but I do have doubts over whether there's enough action in it to satisfy hardened '90s gamers. JSW was never the fastest game in the world, and in this version too there's a lot of wandering around without a lot going on to keep you interested.

The bigger graphics make it harder to get a clear idea of how the different areas of the map relate to each other too, which robs the game of some of its atmosphere. Then again, Willy's mansion is still a fascinating place to explore, and it'll take you a hell of a long time to find your way into all its hidden nooks and crannies.

To be honest with you, I'm not entirely sure how to take this one. For old JSW fans like myself, it's a refreshing and highly enjoyable blast from the past, but the more sophisticated tastes of today's game players might find it all a bit lacking. It's at a budget price, though, so why not try it out?

Just this once, risk a tenner and find out for yourself.

Jet Set Willy 2 logo

Ah, 1984... Madness reigned supreme in the charts, alongside Bucks Fizz and Modern Romance, and Maggie Thatcher was in her second term of office. The year also saw the release of one of the most eagerly-awaited computer game sequels ever - Jet Set Willy, the follow-up to the classic Manic Miner.

Despite being riddled with more bugs than the Kennedy clan's bedrooms, Jet Set Willy was the first ever arcade/adventure, with the player controlling the nouveau-riche ex-Miner, Willy, as he collects the glasses from around his house after an almighty binge.

Now, after eight years absence from our screens, JSW has been converted to the Amiga, with the extra screens its sequel contained added as a bonus.

In converting Jet Set's predecessor Manic Miner to the 16-bit formats, Software Projects hedged their bets by including both the dated Spectrum original and a smart new version with flash scrolling and numerous other bells and whistles.

Oddly enough, the original won the most fans, so it's a great surprise to note that the sequel only contains the updated version. The main problem with the graphic style that Software Projects have opted for is that somehow the games just aren't the same.

Whereas Manic Miner was originally a series of single-screen levels, the updated version went for scrolling screens, and the flick-screen mansion of JSW has been dumped in favour of a scrolling building - losing a lot of the game's character in the process.

One of the nicest things about the original was that its rooms were revealed gradually as progress was made. Hence, rooms such as 'The Attic', 'The Sewers', and 'The Garden' became catchwords among fans - sadly, the names have been lost in the transition and, although this is the extended version, a few of the 133 rooms are conspicuous by their absence.

Although this sounds rather damning, fans of the original will instantly be at home with the layout of the rooms, and the weird selection of nasties have all retained the traits of their forerunners. In addition, the actual gameplay stands up quite well, with intricate puzzles requiring pixel-perfect positioning and timing.

In all, the Amiga version of Jet Set Willy, whilst not the game perhaps I was hoping for, is still a playable affair. However, I can't help but wish that Software Projects had put the original version on the disk, too, then everybody would be happy.


In keeping with its b-bit parent, Amiga Willy also ahs its fair share of annoying bugs. Although it's not as severe as the ones that plugged Spectrum owners, care must be taken or your entire stock of lives will be eaten away. If Willy dies due to falling off a ledge, he is automatically placed in the last position he fell - and this can be next to the ledge! This is annoying as the game requires pixel-perfect positioning and Willy must often move as far off the edge of a platform as possible if he is to clear a large gap.