Remember Tiny Skweeks? Yes, of course you do, it featured those multi-
The Skweeks have now returned although they're now known as Tinies. The reasons is because the people who converted the Skweek games onto the Amiga loved the style of the characters and wanted to do their own game, but as the name was already taken they had to come up with a new one.
So it's not actually a sequel to Skweeks, but the characters look almost identical and you could be forgiven for thinking that it is actually a sequel, but it's not. Err yes I think I got that right.
Next problem. Despite the fact that I called it a puzzle game a minute or so ago, it isn't actually just a puzzle game. It is in fact a hybrid of a platformer, puzzler, adventure and an action game.
The aim of the game is to make your way through the eight regions of Sklumph (the world of the Tinies). Why must you do this? Well, a Tiny known as the Wicked One has taken control of the castle and captured the King and has in-turn thrown complete chaos and torment over the land.
It's up to you to guide a Tiny to save the Kind and overthrow the Wicked One. On each screen you must find a way out which is indicated by a bloody big sign with "exit" scrawled upon it.
Via the use of some magic rings your Tiny can change into different coloured Tinies who each have their own special power. The yellow tiny utilises the power of fire and can throw fireballs and go through flames. The blue tiny has the ability to dive underwater and spit air bubbles to attack the various enemies found on the planet.
The green Tiny can throw out a line and hook himself onto almost any object (including flying enemies) and swing about avoiding hazards just like Spiderman. When the Tiny is red he gets so hungry that he can eat certain bits of the surroundings which is very handy for finding bonus rooms.
This ability to change into different forms is what brings the puzzle element into Fury of the Furries. Just to make things even more difficult there are colour fields dotted around certain levels that takes one of the Tiny's powers away.
Fury of the Furries is a quirky little game and one which I think the games buying public's opinion will be divided upon. Some people will absolutely love it while others will detest it. I actually quite like it and it does grow on you the more you play it. There are 100 levels in the game, so it will take you a long time to complete it. The variation in the levels is also enough to keep you entertained.
Graphically the game's characters are rather small, but just like Lemmings they still manage to command your attention. Leaving the Tinies alone for a few moments will have them performing all manner of amusing antics - just one of the nice touches in Fury of the Furries.
The sound is very cheesy and layered with an organ effect that will irritate innocent bystanders, although it won't affect the games player. The control system is exceptionally good and moving the characters around the screen becomes second nature to you almost immediately.
Fury of the Furries is a strange one which will appeal to certain gamers, so try before you buy, but if you want something different this month then you need look no further.