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CodeMasters £12.99

Codemasters best-selling Egg hero hits back with this five pack exrtavaganza. Treasure Island, Magicland and Fantasy World Dizzy are primitive but jolly arcade adventures. Fast Food is a Pac Man clone with burgers instead of points pills and the best of the bunch: Kwik Snax is a platform challenge with some neat moments.

None of them will change the way the games are written, but at all exhibit smart touches and gameplay flourishes.

Dizzy Collection logo

Wer kennt es nicht, das berühmte Knuddel-Ei der Low-Cost-Spezialisten von Codemasters? Vier der Actionadventures mit dem heldenhaften Hühnerprodukt sind hier für 79,- DM erhältlich, ein Plattform-Spiel namens Fast Food gibt's obendrein.

Zwar sind Dizzy, Treasure Island Dizzy, Fantasy World Dizzy und Magicland Dizzy allesamt nicht übel, waren jedoch seinerzeit teilweise schon für 19 Mark das Stück zu haben.

Daß der Eiersalat also nicht wesentlich günstiger ist, finden wir schon ein bißchen schwach.

Titel Bewertung Anzahl der Spiele Preis Hersteller Genre
Dizzy Collection Schwach 5 79,- DM Codemasters Geschicklichkeit

Dizzy Collection logo

(CodeMasters, £24.99)

Fast Food: A strikingly pretty Pac-Man-like maze game with bright cartoony graphics and lots of lovely presentation touches. A lot tougher than it first seems, too.
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Kwik Snax: Previously unreleased, this Pengo-ish arcade puzzley game is tricky, pretty and entertaining, and that's about all there is to it. Well worth a go.
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Fantasy World Dizzy: Bigger and a little deeper than Treasure Island, Fantasy World is one of the longest-lived games ever in the Amiga charts, and it's still in our Gallup Top 10. A budget classic.
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Magicland Dizzy: Only just released at full-price, Magicland Dizzy scored an impressive 84% in issue seven, which should tell you all you need to know. A little formulaic, though.
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Treasure Island Dizzy: The first Amiga incarnation of the Codies' staggeringly popular egg hero, this is a beautiful arcade adventure made just a wee bit too mean by the provision of only one life.
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