Where do they get these silly names for games from? Borobodur. It kind of rolls of your tongue right onto the floor, doesn't it? Anyhow, regardless of the silly name, Borobodur is very similar to Turrican and has a certain Shadow of the Beast feel to it too.
At the start of the game you run around, big gun in hand, shooting everything that moves, but you also have little puzzle elements where you have to activate levers and other objects.
For instance, there is a wheel with a rope threaded through it that is attached to a door below. You have to activate this wheel to open the door allowing you to pass through. There are also numerous levers to pull, and you have to work out what they all do.
With the many nasties intent on smashing your face in, there are also power-up type effects to collect that restore your energy and increase your weapon power.
The objective is to solve the level whereby you get the message "The exit is open" or something along those lines. You must then make your way to this exit which takes you on to the next level.
Level two is, to all intents and purposes, a driving game. It has all the feel of games like Lotus Turbo, with undulating tracks and twisting corners. The graphics in this part of the game are quite fast and smooth, and you can even blast opponents with your cannon should they get in your way.
You are apparently not in a car, but on what looks like a floating chair which hovers above the tracks. You must collect fuel and other objects dotted along the track as you drive along, to aid you later on. There is also a boost function available which, on pressing the spacebar, sends you hurtling around the track at breakneck speed.
Later levels take place in some kind of underground area where you must solve puzzles to progress further. There is an obscure piece of rock that you can move, but I couldn't figure out what to do with at all. Maybe that's because I'm crap at this sort of game.
The sound is quite good with a constant background theme tune playing as you kick butt. The theme music changes in mood as you go from level to level which adds a certain amount of atmosphere.
The graphics are nothing to write home about, but they are OK and the animation and scrolling are quite smooth too. The game comes on three disks and there's an optional intro. There is also a rather cool Terminator-
I quite enjoyed playing Borobodur, even though it's nothing new or innovative, so I think those of you who like Turrican should take a look at it.