BONO, lateral thinker, rock hero and of late a flatulent green monster, spends his time gathering skeletons to make soap. The castle where all this saponification goes on bears a striking resemblance to Hampton Court - yup, another maze game. The variations on this tired old theme can be counted on the fingers of a 99 cone; there are various monsters which, when released by Bono digging out the surrounding earth, kill their liberator.
There are glooks, round hairy pink things with eyes that periodically hurtle around the screen. There's the old spider. Um.
There is the faintest suspicion of a plot. Collect five skeletons, bump into a cauldron, and Bono gets a bar of soap. Proceedings to a nearby stairway results in a large seamonster getting the soap, and Bono getting about 15 seconds to secrete himself somewhere safe before the glooks wake up and, en masse, migrate across the castle.
This may (or may not) open up another passageway through which Bono can find another five skeletons, another cauldron, and another cauldron, and another monster engaged in its personal toilet.
The correct sequence of moves has to be worked out for each new screen. These start off fairy simple, but soon turn into some real brain-
There then follow some situations which appear impossible, and as the only way to escape when trapped by glooks is to restart the game (there's no time limit, and no way to bump off Bono to start from another position with a new life) these can be severe tests of patience.
The square areas of earth that vanish when bono walks through them are irresistibly reminiscent of Boulderdash. So is the trick of pushing glooks around to reveal exits.
The glook volcanoes that spew forth an infinite number of monsters are straight out of Gauntlet, as is Fozzy - a toad/bear creature that Bono can release. Foz just blunders around, and occasionally blocks a rampaging glook.
The graphics wouldn't stretch a Commodore 64. And crime of crimes - the screen flickers occasionally. Sound consists of some short guitar/
The game commits two crimes for which the programmer should be shot. When you die a screen displays a message which reads "one life's gone" and the program does not display the sea monster on a machine which has more than 512k.
The first problem can be fixed with a disc sector editor - and it is annoying enough for me to want to do it. The second problem can be fixed by altering the bootstrap. If I wanted to spend my time fixing Superior's bugs I'd apply for the job.
What can I say? Avoid is a good word.